I gave his request all the consideration that it deserved.
The world comes alive as a collection of singularities. Enchantment includes, then, a condition of exhilaration or acute sensory activity. To be simultaneously transfixed in wonder and transported by sense, to be both caught up and carried away.
I realised that the search for the Knowledge has encouraged us to think of the House as if it were a sort of riddle to be unravelled, a text to be interpreted, and that if ever we discover the Knowledge, then it will be as if the Value has been wrested from the House and all that remains will be mere scenery.
Enchantment as a state of openness to the disturbing-captivating elements in everyday experience. Enchantment as a window onto the virtual secreted within the actual. Enchantment, in the model I am defending, as operative in a world without telos.